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Rooting in the Sacred: Nature, Magic & Social Change

"The earth is sacred. We have a responsibility to care for the living systems that sustain us and we have a responsibility to take care of each other." --Starhawk

"We are the ancestors of the future and what we do now will have an impact." --Yeye Luisah Teish

Join us on Thursday, June 16th for Rooting in the Sacred: Nature, Magic & Social Change with legendary elders & spiritual activists Starhawk (author of "The Fifth Sacred Thing" and "The Spiral Dance") and Yeye Luisah Teish (author of "Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals").

Rooting in the sacred can take many forms: honoring our ancestors, venerating nature, upholding spiritual traditions and engaging in meaningful social change. What role do our women elders play in guiding us through these complex times? How can Earth-based spirituality and rituals provide the grounding, healing and energy we need for transforming our world? Please join us for this special event between two esteemed luminaries as they converse about the sacred across traditions and lifelong practices.

WHAT: This event is part of the Beloved Community Journey, an ongoing series of learning, practice and taking action to create a world where we all belong and thrive.

Learn more & RSVP on Eventbrite here!

June 5

Recovering the Sacred

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