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Creative Liberation: The Power of Art to Transform the World

"Be an artist. Draw something. Sing a song. Write a story. Experiment. Express yourself. Change the world." --Favianna Rodriguez

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution." --Emma Goldman

Join us on Thursday, April 21st for Creative Liberation: The Power of Art to Transform the World with celebrated artists & culture workers Jackie Fawn (Indigenous graphic artist), Austin Willacy (singer-songwriter & producer) and Julio Salgado (Migrant visual artist & cultural strategist) hosted by René Revolorio Keith.

Art and creative expression are powerful forces for transforming our world. We create art to make meaning, resist oppression and to birth new possibilities. It is a way of survival and a practice in joy, resilience and liberation. Join us for this lively conversation as we explore the role of artists, songwriters, media makers and cultural practitioners in creating healing and social change. 

WHAT: This event is part of the Beloved Community Journey, an ongiong series of learning, practice and taking action to create a world where we all belong and thrive.


March 21

The Art of Joy & Liberation

June 5

Recovering the Sacred